To funnel or to tunnel, that's the question
In this practical example, I describe a situation I have experienced when it comes to the pitfall of living as not-self. The moment when your mind manipulates you to do the very thing that does not fit with what you should be doing if you want to live with as little resistance as possible. The pitfall of listening to your mind.
Last Monday morning, a link came through in a group encouraging me to attend an online Bootcamp for successfully creating a funnel. I had never heard of it before, but it sounded interesting because it indicated to me that if I did that as an entrepreneur, I would be more successful in attracting clients.
My first reaction was: let me see what it is. So, I clicked on the link and I ended up on a facebook page touting a bootcamp where you would learn how to create a good funnel within 5 days 'live' every morning at 9 am. Interesting. Actually a little warning bell started ringing in me here, but just didn't listen to it....
My mind felt that I had to do it and I also felt that I wanted to do it, but, I already had a few appointments scheduled at that time and to prevent that I would not be able to attend everything live, I decided to be on the safe side and secure the recordings of the bootcamp for 17 euros so that I would be able to watch them next week. Because hey, what's 17 euros... (quite a lot if you don't do anything with it anymore, but that's beside the point).
At that moment I was in a mood of, 'I have to do something about this marketing anyway and this might be a good way to do it this way', so decision made in that moment. 'I'm going to do this'. MIND....
After I paid for those recordings, a feeling already crept up on me of, 'Um, wouldn't it have been better to wait a little while?' But immediately the little voice on top of that told me: 'No way, you can really learn something from this and this is just good for you as an entrepreneur, you have to do something with that marketing, so well done'. MIND...
No sooner said than done. The first two days I followed that bootcamp and then it becomes a 'must do' of myself, because after all, I focused on this, I paid 17 euros for the recordings and that what I can already see live I don't have to watch again next week, so just get on Facebook and watch it. Don't be so difficult. The Mind says you have the WILLpower for this and that is true. But the question is whether I should use that WILLpower for this....
I neatly do everything that is laid out for me by those lovely people (because they are absolutely smart entrepreneurs, young guys and they can sell well), but still I feel sort of 'tricked in'. Not by those people of course, because they just have a great marketingstrategy, but by myself! Because I made a decision in the moment to do something and because I was afraid that otherwise I would miss something that I would then not get back later. The opportunity to get my business more in the picture for people who could benefit from it. To manifest and initiate. Like I've always been used to and which is exactly what I'm being given here at this bootcamp.
All not-self so....
Because what I have actually done with this action is that I have given my MIND room to want to answer the questions I have from my not-self, to pretend that I am sure that this is the direction I am looking for and that I have completely given in to the pressure I felt in my body to respond to this as quickly as possible in order to get rid of it.
And what is the result of all of this? That I am following this bootcamp by willpower and my own stubbornness and I am being given advice which, from my own Human Design knowledge and background, I see at every turn that this is only based on selling the not-self. From the funnel into the not-self tunnel so... That I would attract people with a story that doesn't match what I actually do. Because what I do is to guide people in being themselves. That they are good enough and don't have to do and manifest all kinds of things. But that they can follow their heart, that they are here to say goodbye to everything that doesn't serve them and that this is a program that is completely customized with a road map specifically tailored to them.
And from that perspective, this bootcamp was very instructive for me, because it gave me the opportunity to see where I get off my own path and what I need to get back on the path that is meant for me. Namely, just awareness of the power of the not-self thinking of my mind and not judging myself in that. And if you can learn that from something like that, then 17 euros is really a pittance :-).